Exposition « Skéiteng Kälifornia »

Exposition « Skéiteng Kälifornia »

Visites guidées gratuites et sur demande, contact : culture@kayl.lu

This is the untold coming-of-age story of a town within a town, a scene within a scene and how outcasts and the most unlikely antiheroes became the enablers and the pioneers of a Cultural Revolution. Starring: 80s and early 90s Skateboarding memorabilia. The decks, the shoes, the skaters, the graphics, the brands,  the designers, the ramps, the disruptors, the sound, the playlist, the hunters and the gatherers.

It’s a story of broken hearts, of broken dreams and broken bones and the bones brigade and Powell and Peralta and Santa Cruz, Santa Monica Airlines and Santa Barbara, our helleg Boarbel and California dreaming and Skating California instead of Skéiteng Kälifornia.


01 Oct 2023


14:00 - 18:00


Musée Ferrum


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